“Living Treasures”
by Mark J. Hume
(Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A)
“Living Treasures”
Of the mostly forgotten many—
Grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, and mothers—
We tend to shut them away…
Let us visit again and again…
With thankfulness and respect!
See…listen…and speak…
To and with these “living treasures”…
They are poems waiting to be told:
Perhaps, from the mouths of these “treasures”
Words will flow—
To the page to be read and heard!
Each life is a treasure…
Don’t let these living fade to gone—
Without spending time…
Without listening…
Without their speaking…
Without writing their words!
Let these “living treasures”—
Speak now and continue to live
Even when they are gone…
Poetry written by the elderly—
Penned by someone caring—
Can mean much to readers;
Can mean much more to the authors!